Thursday, March 19, 2020

How to conduct an Incident Investigation by TheSafetyMaster™

Incident Investigation is the systematic review of an incident happened in the Establishment. It may or may not have any direct impact over the functions of the Organisation. It reports, tracks and investigates Incidents. In 1931, Herbert Heinrich, the father of the concept of Industrial Safety, documented in his Book that for every incident causing major injury, there are 29 minor accidents and 300 near misses. In Modern times, the number has definitely gone upward.

Broadly speaking, an incident investigation can be done in two ways-
-Either by investigating incidents, including staffing, documenting, and tracking investigations of process safety incidents or
- finding a pattern in incidents and related data to identify recurring ones.
Based over the outcome, an effective recommendation is developed to address the recurring causes of the incidents. The objective here is to find out a solution to the underlying, system-related causes, instead of assigning the blame to someone.

Since it’s incorporation in 2016, TheSafetyMasterTM Team is tirelessly working with Industrial and Sectoral Establishments providing the required technical assistance and expertise for meeting their Health and Safety Standards. As a leading name in Occupational Safety and Health Standards, we, TheSafetyMaster Team, investigate to reveal the cause, extent of damage, the scope of the damage and safety measures to be adopted to eliminate any Future contingency.

Incident Investigation is a highly skilled specialised Area. At TheSafetyMaster, our highly Trained SCs (Safety Consultants) ensure a safe and hazard-free Industrial Environment. We are also proud counterparts of pioneers in Safety as MYND and VELIMOR. Our follow-up programmes conducted by knowledgeable resources will help you to be aware of every new safety standard and regulations to be adhered to.
Our Experts recommend a six-step approach to any incident-
  • Immediate Action by making the Area isolated or evacuating employess
  • Preparation for the investigation is as important as the Incident itself so a planned approach towards the Investigation with a competent team
  • Collecting relevant data from numerous resources
  • Identifying the direct and indirect causes by analysis the data collected
  • A comprehensive Report documenting the process, methodology followed and outcomes of the Investigation
  • Recommendations to avoid any such incident to happen in future.
  • Periodic evaluation of the safety measures recommended and any improvisations thereof
  • Retraining Employees after an incident to equip them to face the challenges
Our focus is to assist Organisations by providing long-term solutions via an effective management system and EHS (Employee Health & Safety) approach. In Future, this will reduce costs associated with losses, as well as health and safety compliance.
We are proud to offer our services in-
         Incident Investigation Study
         Incident Investigation Training
         Incident Investigation Standard Development & Implementation
         Incident Investigation Software

Send us your enquiry to or speak to our expert at +917665231743 for getting above services today to achieve safety goals.

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