Friday, January 3, 2020

PSM Gap Assessment by TheSafetyMaster™

Process safety management is a management system of preventing hazards and risks from highly hazardous chemical or energy release while a process is any activity or combination of activities including any use, storage, manufacturing, handling or the on-site movement of highly hazardous chemicals.
In highly hazardous chemical production units wherein working with chemicals and other hazardous energies is commonplace; catastrophic hazards are pronounced and the risk of injury and health complications to the business and workers engaged in the production sector are substantially increased.
PSM Gap Assessment is one of the most important parts of the PSM system and includes identifying deficiencies related to PSM system, technical safety Infrastructure, planning, capability, following-up, and how is documenting the PSM system. A PSM Gap Assessment is a systematic series of assessment to identify gaps and problem areas associated with elements of Risk Based PSM programmer installed in operation, design and maintenance. The review allows proper identification of gaps at the beginning of a project and provides a detailed list of system/people/physical gaps that can pose catastrophic dangers that may be faced by the facility; based on this list, it is possible to ensure the monitoring and traceability of the implementation of measures that will help to avoid them. The elements under assessment are
·          Risk Based Thinking
·          Governance and Organisation
·          Process Safety Information
·          Process Hazards Review Analysis
·          Operating Procedures
·          Management of Change
·          Pre Startup safety review
·          Training
·          Employee Participation
·          Trade Secret
·          Mechanical Integrity
·          Incident Investigation
·          Emergency Response
·          Contractors
·          Hot Work
·          Compliance Audits
·          Risk Assurance

How TheSafetyMaster™ can improve your process safety:
Every chemical manufacturing unit has a process for manufacture, storage, handling, transport of highly hazardous chemicals and TheSafetyMaster™ is committed to the take care of Process Safety Management and Operational Risk Management.

The overwhelming goals of our Process Safety Management Audit are to ensure process safety at production units through PSM System. The aim is to minimize occupational risks and hazards for production floor workers by means of...
·         Identifying and correcting deficiencies in any Process Safety Management System
·         Effective Emergency Response Creation and Implementation
·         Mechanical Integrity Evaluation and Quality Assurance at a Contractor Level
·         Final Analysis of Process Equipment prior to first time use
·         Hazard Analysis and subsequent Corrective Measures

Our Team will facilitate client team to have assessments, implementations or due diligence done to acquire and Implement the master plan of successful process safety mainframe management model. TSM offers unique local or global TSMMM service by which site or corporate safety practices and organizations arise and persist, leading to successful business.

To enhance your Process Safety Management Audit program and to guarantee the well being of your production unit workers and prevent/mitigate catastrophic incidents by closure of audit actions. 
Send us your enquiry to or speak to our expert at +917665231743 for conducting PSM Gap Assessment.

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